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When you merge two surveys in the Source, you also enable the option to create Combined Variable. Combined Variable consists of variables from two or more surveys.

Function of Combined Variable

Combined Variable uses two or more varaibles from different surveys

Combined variables are used when you wish to create a widget with data from two surveys. This function allows you to merge one variable from survey 1 and another variable from survey 2 and create a new combined variable that can be selected when putting the metric for a widget.

How are combined variables created?

When you add a second survey in the source, you have the option to select the variable for Source 2. Now let’s say you have a variable in source 1 which has a multiple choice question and you want to create a variable with a similar multiple-choice question in survey 2. Now follow these steps:

  • Go to the corresponding row of Survey 2. Let’s say, if your question from Survey 1 is second from the top, go to the second from top section in Survey 2 source.
  • Click on Select Variable
  • Select the respective question from the list and click add

This is now combined, consisting of both the questions from Survey 1 and 2.

For it to work, both your individual variables need to be of the same kind. For example, if you have an open-ended variable in Survey 1, you would only be shown similar open-ended variables/meta data in the options. Similarly, if you select an options set variable in Survey 1, you need to select a similar type in survey 2.

It can be accessed in the Select Value, Break By, and Nested By section.

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