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Dashboard Overview

The dashboard overview page gives you a glimpse into the features available under the Dashboard section. The dashboard lets you…

How To Create A Dashboard

You can create a dashboard to present your survey response data in a visual manner. Rather than showing numbers, the…

How To Delete A Dashboard

You can delete a dashboard by following these steps: 1. Go to the Dashboard page of your account and hover over the…

Manage Dashboard Pages

You can add multiple pages to your individual Dashboard. This allows you to arrange your dashboard as per your need.…

Preview Dashboard

The preview dashboard feature allows you to view your dashboard prior to publishing it. With Survey2Connect, you get the option…

Source Overview

Source Data overview page gives you a brief of every feature available under the source page. You can access the…

Manage Source Data

With Survey2Connect, you get the flexibility to manage source data and make changes to it. Add Source Data in a…

Group Variable

You add variables in your source while creating the dashboard and all the data you import in the source is…

Add Second Survey in Source

With Survey2Connect’s Dashboard, you can combine two or more surveys in the Source to create a dashboard based on the…

Combined Variable

When you merge two surveys in the Source, you also enable the option to create Combined Variable. Combined Variable consists…


When you add answer choices to any question, it is assigned a code. These values can be used to perform…

Change Label

Change Label feature in the source section allows you to change the labels for each of the individual fields/answer choices.…

Source Data View For Questions

Matrix questions allow you to collect responses across multiple parameters compiled in a single question. However, it can be a…

Widgets Overview

Widgets overview page covers all the widget types available to users under the Dashboard creation section. The widgets help you…

Add A Widget

You can add a widget in your Dashboard from Survey2Connect’s collection of 13 widget types. The widgets let you present…

Manage A Widget

Manage a widget section helps you navigate across features available for the widget after it has been published. You can…

Bar Chart Widget

Bar chart is used to presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they…

Pie Chart Widget

Pie Chart is a circular statistical graphic. It is divided into slices to show the numerical proportion of all the…

Donut Chart

Donut Chart is a circular statistical graphic, similar to pie chart. It is divided into slices to show the numerical…

Line Graph

A line graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. It uses a linear line…

Area Graph

An area graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. Area Graph is based…

Gauge Chart

The gauge chart is similar to Pie Chart and Donut Chart. It uses a needle to indicate the data point.…

NPS Chart

NPS Chart is used to create a widget based on your NPS question in the survey. NPS chart widget arranges…

Data Trends

Data Trends widget is used to show the data trend in your survey result. Data trends track the collective data…

Simple Table

The simple table widget allows you to create a table with two columns where one can be static and you…

Response Table

Response Table widget is used to show the survey response for a particular question/ combination variable. This widget is used…


Image widget is used to upload an image to your dashboard. This is used to customize your widget as per…

Rich Text

Rich Text widget is used to create a document file in your dashboard. Using this option, you can create a…


Wordcloud helps you perform the sentiment analysis on your survey data. With this, you can select a question/ combined variables/…

Break By

Break by feature allows you to break your singular data into multiple sets. When you select a metric via Select…

Nested By

Once you have applied Break By on a Metric Data, you can perform further classification of the data using Nested…

Filters Overview

Dashboard filters are a way for you to sort your data as per your need. These filters control the data…

Metric Filters

You can add filters in values i.e. Metric Filters. You have the option to add filters while adding values in…

Widget Filters

Widget filters are used to enable a filter on a particular widget. When you enable it, you get only the…

Page Filters

Page Filters allows you to apply a common filter for the entire page of the Dashboard. Just like Widget Filter…

Themes Overview

Dashboard themes allow you to customize your dashboard design as per your need. This feature is useful when you want…

Theme Features

Dashboard theme features allow you to customize the available themes or while creating new themes. Click on the Edit button to able…

Create New Theme

With Survey2Connect’s dashboard, you can create a new theme that goes with your brand identity. You can select your own…


The languages option in the Dashboard allows you to add multiple languages to your dashboard. Survey2Connect offers you a chance…


Comments function in Dashboard is a way for you and your team to interact with each other and give feedback…

Exporting File

You have the ability to export the dashboard in one of three available formats — Excel, PDF, and PPT. This…

Share Overview

Share overview page covers all the steps you need to take in order to share your dashboard with your users.…

How To Create New Role

To share your dashboard data with your users, you would need to create a new role and assign them various…

Manage Roles

Roles are necessary to be defined in order to share your dashboard in the read-only mode with your users. With…

Dashboard Settings

Dashboard settings are available under the Settings button that’s shown when the dashboard is in Edit Mode. You can enable the settings or…

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